Conferința Anuală a Academiei Europene de Religie


A fost stabilită perioada în care se va desfășura anul viitor Conferința Anuală a Academiei Europene de Religie. Evenimentul va avea loc între 4-7 Martie 2019, la Bologna, având tema „Dumitru Staniloae’s encounter with the West”. Organizatorii au lansat „Call for paper” pentru cei care doresc să susțină referate pe marginea subiectului ales. Limba oficială a evenimentului va fi engleza.

Dumitru Stăniloae (1903-1993) has been one of the most creative Orthodox theologians of the twentieth century, yet one of the least known. His theological vision is a majestic combination of Florovsky’s’ neopatristic epistemology, philocalic wisdom, and Romanian folkloric elements. Still, Stăniloae never shone away from engaging with Western theology and philosophy whether critical or constructive. His theological edifice bears the marks of his encounters with Karl Rahner, Martin Buber, Karl Barth or Paul Tillich. This panel seeks to uncover the significance of these interactions for Stăniloae’s thinking. Was Stăniloae a faithful reader of Western theology and philosophy? To what extent was he influenced by theological debates in Roman Catholicism or Protestantism, especially Vatican II? How was Stăniloae’s interpretation of the Fathers impacted by the trends of Western historical criticism? How did the ecumenical interactions shape his understanding of Orthodox theology?, proponent Petre Maican (University of Aberdeen).

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