Andrei Scrima Fellowships


Andrei Scrima Fellowships

Call for applications 2017/2018

The Institute for Ecumenical Studies offers fellowships for the academic year 2017-2018 for doctoral, postdoctoral and junior researchers in theology and related research areas, with prominence given to researchers in the fields of ecumenical studies and biblical studies. The fellowship program has been motivated by the existence in Sibiu of two of the richest German language libraries in Eastern Europe: a) the library of the Department for History, Patrimony and Protestant Theology with an emphasis on biblical studies; b) the library of the Institute for Ecumenical Research, focused on ecumenical studies. In addition, the uniquely pluriconfessional theological university environment of Sibiu provides excellent conditions for prolific theological dialogues and research.


The Institute for Ecumenical Research is part of the Lucian Blaga University and it was founded in 2005 by the Andrei Saguna Faculty of Orthodox Theology in collaboration with the Department of History, Patrimony and Protestant Theology. The mission of the Institute is to foster theological research open to ecumenism through seminars, lectures and publications. The Review of Ecumenical Studies, a peer-review journal indexed in several important international databases, is issued by the Institute for Ecumenical Studies.


Fellowships with durations for one up to ten months are offered for doctoral, postdoctoral and junior researchers whose research interests fall within the scope of the Institute. Fellows taking up research stays are expected to contribute to the Review of Ecumenical Studies with an article or a review (depending on the duration of their stay). They will also hold a talk on a theme of their own choice and are expected to take part in selected activities that the Institute may be hosting.

Due to the profile of the libraries offered for consultation and as workspaces, fellows are expected to have a good command of German.

Fellows will receive a monthly stipend of 1 500 RON. The fellowship does not cover health insurance.


Candidate’s application shall include a:

  1. cover letter
  2. CV with list of publications
  3. Two academic reference letters
  4. Copy of the most recent degree
  5. Research Proposal with a prospective timeline of the research project

Candidates should specify the duration and the dates of their desired stay.

Applications should be completed in English or German and sent in electronic format to no later than May 31, 2017. For further inquiries regarding the applications, please refer to